Public Speaking and Debate

Public Speaking and Debating Sumer Course in London and Cambridge UK

This information has been updated 10th October 2019 by Lite Regal Admin

What is debating and public speaking? – Debating and Public Speaking is the art of expressing you opinion and talking to other people in a confident and articulate manner.

Debating is a fantastically useful skill that many High Schools do not offer as part of their curriculum – or even if they offer the course they often debate within their own school and not against other school in other countries. Debating can be improved by constant practise by high school students and in particular new skills are learnt by debating and public speaking against other nationalities and students from different countries. Students from different countries have different cultural taboos and strengths and weaknesses that become evident when teaching and learning how to speak publicly and debate. By debating and speaking in public to different audiences and nationaliites students will become more aware and self confident in life.

Student receiving a public speaking and debating certificate from his teacher within one of the Colleges of London University and Cambridge.

By attending a specialist debating and public speaking Summer school that can give Students from all around the world confidence and the skills necessary to practice and acquire skills necessary in improving their skills.

Lite Regal Education and Public Speaking and Debating Summer Course

One Such Summer School Students can learn Public Speaking and Debating is Lite Regal Education Summer School for high school students aged 13-18. The courses are run in one of  the colleges of Cambridge University or London University  and students will have the unique experience of living and learning for their course in the chosen college.

The course can be viewed here :

Public Speaking and Debating Summer Course for High School Students

For more information please call +44 (0) 207 460 5017 or email or

This course is run within one of the Colleges of London University or Cambridge and students will learn have fun and make friends, There are 2 categories 13-15 and 15-18 years old, In this course students will learn the fundamental skills to debate . They will learn poise and the art of rebuttal lean how to handle leading and open ended questions.

Why is it important to learn debating

Debating is a skill and an art that can be learnt. Teachers need to be patient and have the skills to allow students to develop their own “style”

In a good debating and public speaking summer course you will learn and increase :

  • your confidence
  • teach you to think quickly on your feet
  • make you less shy and able to talk confidently about topics in a way that will make other people listen to you
  • learn skills of communication, persuasion, logic and skill.

By attending a good course this will make you a stronger advocate for what you believe and how o express your ideas. Importantly you will learn how to overcome shyness.

Once students become comfortable with the art of debating  the student argument will become less emotional and students will  be more comfortable with public speaking and enjoy themselves.

Lite Regal Summer and Debating Course and School is here : Lite Regal Education Debating Summer School and Course in London and Cambridge

In the Lite Regal Summer School Public Speaking and Debating Summer School you will learn have fun. It will be an educational experience of a life time. Courses last 2 weeks and are held in one of the colleges of Cambridge or London University in June July and August every year.

UCL University of London- a Top 10 University in the world is were students will learn and improve their public speaking and debating skills in this specialised Summer Course an School.

There are scholarships also available for such courses : Students should look on the website under the scholarship section or here :

Lite Regal Education Scholarships 2019/2020

For more information please look here for Summer 2020 Dates.

If you are 15-18 look here :

If you are 13-15 look here :