Page updated 28th April 2020
Dear Parents / Students of Lite Regal Education and Lite Regal International School
I would like to thank all parents and students for their cooperation and continuous support in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic together.
Following my last letter on 2nd April 2020, I would like to congratulate all students and teachers on the successful completion of our A Level & GCSE Easter Revision courses, which was conducted online and remotely. Many of our students who took this Easter Revision were abroad and gave us excellent feedback on the usefulness of attending this.
We are continuing to monitor guidelines from UK Government and WHO to ensure the safety of all our students and staff. Our programmes and courses are currently running continuing to run online under the guidance of the UK Government. We accept there are many challenges to be faced in this and thank all students for their patience in any issues and problems faced.
All our Internships – the most popular being Medical Internships – are currently still postponed until further notice following the instructions of our UK doctors / clinics / companies who are in charge of these Internships. We anticipate the Internships including the Medical Internship will be up and running in the early Summer and by June and will update all parents and students concerned.
Whilst we are still expecting all summer courses to run as normal, we are constantly monitoring the UK Government guidelines and will post updates to all those concerned accordingly.
Since our last report on 2nd April 2020 the situation in UK has improved greatly and whilst we have a long way to go, we continue to make progress. The crisis of the COVID -19 situation seems to be easy off. I understand there is much uncertainty for all of us however please be assured that our staff is continuing to do our best and working tirelessly to ensure the best outcome for all our students.
Whilst all summer programmes and Internships and any upcoming year round programmes are still on course to run and we hope the situation will allow this, we understand if you would like to postpone your course for later date in Summer 2020 or even till next year 2021 at this stage. In view of this and despite our Terms & Conditions we have allowed all students to delay and postpone their course either for a later Summer Course date in 2020 or till next year 2021 with no administration charges or postponement fees or deductions of any kind incurred. Please income us of your intentions by email.
I once again would like to thank all of you for your patience, support and for understanding the situation to find solutions to this global challenge.
I wish you and your families all the best and will continue keep you updated with further news as needed.
Stay Safe.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Milan Lebloch
Letter From Principal 28th April 2020
Page updated 2nd April 2020
Dear Parents / Students of Lite Regal Education and Lite Regal International School
I wish you all ours students in London and elsewhere in the world a Happy Easter. I realise that many of our students have returned overseas to be with their families over Easter and whilst this pandemic is still in our midst. My thoughts are with the families and students of our College to be all safe and well. As spring arrives in the UK, flowers and cherry blossom are in bloom it is the season of regeneration and birth. However it is with much sadness I feel on how much our lives have changed in the last few months and the many lives lost and hard working families losing jobs and much needed income due to this pandemic. I am great believer in humanity and that we will find solutions to our problems and will the world governments and all of us working tighter will overcome the COVID-19 situation. Until then I urge you to remain safe and follow your own government guidelines.
Given the pandemic we are working remotely at the recommendation of the Government, however you may still contact us on the normal phone line – 0207 460 5107 or email : and At this time we hope you do understand that emails and calls may take longer to reply to and be shorter than normal and we do apologise for this.
We would like to assure you that we are doing our best to manage the situation that the COVID-19 epidemic has brought to us all. As a school we carry a duty of care and support for all our students and parents. We have been established since 1993 I as the founder of this School and Principal throughout those years have I am never faced a similar situation as this. As a school we carry a duty of care and support for all our students and parents. We will face and deal with any problem in the next few months head on and work with all parents and students in finding solutions to “problems”. We will continue to educate and inspire you in the best way we can.
As you may be aware the coronavirus situation is fluid and information changes on a daily basis. We are taking advise continually from the Department of Education and the UK Government as well as WHO.
Please look at the relevant sections below that will concern you.
Kind Regards,
Mr. Milan Lebloch