Law Preparation Summer School and Course

Law Preparation Summer School

Law Preparation Summer Course and School in London and Cambridge

This Summer Students from all over the work gather at one of the prestigious colleges of Cambridge University or London University  to immerse themselves and learn their subject of choice at one of the best Summer School in the UK – Lite Regal Summer School and Education. Over 60 Nationalities mostly from International and IB high Schools and American High Schools gather to gain their potential and make right career and University Choices.

Cambridge University Lite Regal Summer School law course
This Summer make the right choice have the opportunity to be accommodated and learn law within one of the prestigious Cambridge or London University Colleges.

Are you 13-18 years old and in Senior High School and thinking about becoming a lawyer or interested about law and would like to know more about this course and gain credits:

Lite Regal Summer School which runs inspirational Summer Courses in Law for High School Students in Cambridge University and London University. These course students will have the amazing chance to have fun, meet and make friends and learn within one of these unique and prestigious Colleges always ranked in top 10 Universities in the world.

The law preparation course will offer Students the chance to Study modules in Law and also get a taste or Law before committing to it at University

The link to to the Law Summer School Page is here :

What sort of students join :

  • Any Student wanting to to learn key skills needed to become a lawyer and barrister.
  • How lawyers  think
  • Key skills needed by lawyers to exceed
  • Students looking to get an international perspective in their course
Meet like minded students from all around the world – have fun learn and make friends and gan credits whilst learning Law

What you will learn and what will you learn at this Law preparation Summer School :

This course will give you the insight and information and means necessary to apply and get accepted into your Law School / University of choice.

  • Criminal Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Law of Torts
  • Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
  • International human rights
  • Formation of valid contracts
    • Nature of contract
    • Offer and acceptance
    • Intention
    • Consideration
    • Capacity
  • Contents of contracts
  •  Types of term
    • Status of terms
    • Control of exemption clauses
  • And much more
  • learn Introductory modules of law

Then You should try to enrol on the Law Preparation Summer Course with our Summer School at Lite

During the summer school you will attend lectures by leading academics, debate key issues, engage in study skills sessions to sharpen up your critical thinking ability and find out about the UCAS process and also the University application process and how to make your personal statement stand out. You will also meet and work with current university students as well as getting to ask recent graduates about their experiences.

This summer school is for students in year 10-12 attending schools and colleges within the UK and abroad.

Apply now for 2020 Entry:

What make this Law Preparation Course Different from others

This Course contains practical “hands on” aspects in law practise with the knowledge required to back this up.

One of the key  differences  between this and other summer school law Courses on offer is that the this course offer a unique chance to learn learn law in and out of the classroom.  Classroom teaching will be hand in hand with outside visits to real life law situations so students can see what they learn applied to real life lawyers do.

Law Preparation course in London / Cambridge for 15-18 year olds

Law Preparation Course in London or Cambridge for 18-23 year olds

International Public Law for 18-23 year olds in London UK


  1. Visit to the Old Bailey to see a real life court case in action
  2. Visit to a Large law fork to see how lawyers  / barristers / notaries and the like work
  3. Guest talks from practising lawyers to tell you what is needed to be a lawyer

Make no mistake this is a hard course and be prepared to work hard and also enjoy yourself. Applications are highly recommended for any serious budding lawyer.